Austrian Bridge movie , directed by Ahmad Azad and produced by Rahil Ilka won an award for Best Cinematography at 17th Grand OFF - World Independent Film Awards in Poland 2023


The international festival Grand OFF - World Independent Film Awards is an international event that is more than 17 years old, with the aim of supporting independent cinema and challenging filmmakers to create innovative and thought-provoking works on a global scale, held in Poland and accepting works There have been submissions from all over the world in three sections: Documentary, Animation and Fiction. This festival was held on 29th November - 4th December 2023.

The Austrian bridge are a documentary film about : A different and untold story of the history of Veresk Bridge, a symbol of civilization, history and international relations between Iran and Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy and... with narrated facts about Veresk Bridge from those who witnessed those days first hand

 Casting of this film are: Writer and Director: Ahmad Azad, Producer: Rahil Ilka, Cinematographer: Reza Heydari Panah, sound operator: Nima Ashtri, Sound engineer: Tommy Eilbeygi, Editor: Mohsen Mohammadi, poster designer: Fahima Hosseini and actors: Mozhan Ilka. Samane Goli, Milad Behermand and Ali Benar .